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Friday, September 18, 2009

Catching Up?

Meg says blogging every day is easier than sporadically since you don't feel as if you need to "catch up." Well, sheesh, that is how I feel a bit. Mostly I have been procrastinating and using a few excuses to take some time off. First, I totally killed my ProShot camera when I left it out in the rain the evening of Hunt's Big Birthday Bash. I am still wondering how exactly I let that happen. We were cleaning up and wandering around the property hanging out chatting, and I guess I just spaced it out. So I have yet to be able to replace it and take pictures, and it feels yucky. Hopefully soon I will be able to get a little something to tide me over, I have my eye on a pocket ProShot point and shoot, but alas, I am afraid even that won't happen for a while.

The other thing is that I have been stalling on starting another blog. Mostly since I am unsure of the best way to go about it. I have the idea and the name at this point, I think what is holding me up is the publishing. Obviously, there's a few different routes I can take, I just need to decide on one.

Hunt is just now finishing his first full week of Pre-K. That is a post all its own!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I haven't posted in so long. It's been a long few months. This is the summer I had the pleasure of taking lots of prednisone due to a loser doctor and my own forgetfulness.

Hunter is starting EA in 9 days.

Count 'em.
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